Thursday, July 12, 2012


So many scriptures come to mind when I gaze at this shot. I debated whether to put a scripture on it, but went another route.

If you look closely you will see a human in this picture. Hint-start at the bottom center, move to the left a little bit and come up. Find them?

That's why I named this particular picture "SCALE." You really see how HUGE the mountains are at this range. Your eyes tend to go back and forth to the human and then back to the mountains again. At least MINE do.

And isn't that what we do on this journey? "Dear God, look at the SIZE of that mountain! I can't climb that!" But take another look at the human; that "itty bitty human"...While I stared at them, I was reminded of the mustard seed and abruptly felt a quickening in my spirit; I remembered the verse that says, "if your FAITH is the size of a mustard seed, YOU can say to this mountain, 'MOVE from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17:20)

So what's your mountain? Debt? Sickness? Wayward kids? Wayward parents? Job loss? Drug addiction? Alcohol abuse? Marital strife? Old cycles that continue to haunt you? Fear?

The Lord may not be telling you to CLIMB that mountain...

...Maybe He wants you to SPEAK to it...

1 comment:

  1. Here I am again coming to your pictures with wonder and being thrust into the Presence of God with your messages. I love worshipping Him, marveling at what He has inspired. Thank you again and again. Your friend, Robin
