Friday, May 20, 2011

The Writing's On The Wall

Thousands of years ago, the Lord wrote on a wall some words that only Daniel could read and explain the meaning of them to King Belshazzar.
This "wall" that you see has some words on it. Why are the words faded?  It's easy to see the colors of the wall and even the texture, but maybe you had to give the whole picture a closer look to be able to read the words. This is not a trick question, but ask yourself if the promises of God seemed to have "faded" or do they speak volumes because you took a closer look...If you must have a "wall up", let the King of Kings write on it. How beautiful then does that wall become.

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous ministry this is. I'm continually enraptured by what the Lord has done through your work. Robin
