Friday, April 15, 2011

Sunday Morning Tomb Activity

The Word says that around the throne of God there is a rainbow that resembles an emerald. There is also lightning and thunder. I like to think that when the time came for the Holy Spirit to raise our Savior from the dead that what you see here is perhaps what happened:

Power was released in the tomb and a rainbow exploded within it; a rainbow of PROMISE that Jesus WOULD rise from the grave in all victorious splendor. The Servant Savior King now ready to ascend back to His waiting throne where multitudes await in thunderous applause and worship.

The very center of this painting looks like a seed; Jesus was the seed of Salvation and by dying bore MUCH fruit.

I decided to go ahead and post this "before Easter arrived on the calendar." 
EVERY day is an opportunity to have Sunday Morning Tomb Activity in our lives. 
Death simply brings life. Always has. Always will. But know this:

We ALL will LIVE forever in one of two places-heaven or hell. That's a fact.
Jesus loves you "warts and all" and wants you to come AS IS.
He loves you. Even now, right now, He loves you. That's why it's called AMAZING Grace.
He wants you to live forever with Him in His Kingdom.
That's a fact. 

The same devil that Jesus defeated when He died on the cross wants you to spend an eternity with him in hell. He hates your guts and most certainly your soul. That's a fact.

Something's wrong when we get defensive and angry when someone who CARES about the eternal status of our soul asks us do we know where we're going when we die.

Wonder why that is...


  1. I was worshipping God with singing and praise on Tuesday, 4;45ish when His love rushed in and melted my heart. I believe I saw the Father above me in Easter colors of green, yellow, pink, joy and abundance. I wondered is this like the rainbow throne of God and looked that up on the internet. When I saw your picture, it was virtually what I had seen in the spirit. I sensed God alive in it in white. What a Blessing. I never want to be without this picture

  2. Response from Margie Chapman-Oh myyyyyyy!!!! What a beautiful beautiful thing for you to share! My heart just leaped as I read your words and I cannot thank you enough for posting. May our Lord continue to increase your intimacy, stir your faith, abound your hope and secure your trust in Him. Thank you again for commenting. :D

  3. Thank you for your art and for sharing your heart! What a beautiful and powerful ministry.
