The texture of this picture looks pretty rough; so why the title "SKIN DEEP"? The rough texture, cracks and bloody looking splotches represent our flesh and "what lies deep within" hence, 'skin deep'. The eye of the Lord is upon us ALL; nothing is hidden from Him. Nothing. Be it evil planning, plotting or wounds from our past, NOTHING IS HIDDEN from His penetrating gaze.
Some may look at this picture and see it as a threat or warning. To those I say, "Peace to you; come to the Healing Redeemer and let Him heal those hidden wounds that cause your outward crustiness."
Coming to the Lord is not like coming to a job interview. You will never be able to "groom yourself" appropriately to enter into His Presence. He won't receive your list of accomplishments, your $2000 silk suit, your clever use of words, nor your arrogant confidence. He wants you to come to Him filthy, stinky, nasty, poor, naked, blind, and wretched. He absolutely will receive you this way because He enjoys bathing the poor in spirit, humbled, contrite and brokenhearted ones that seek His mercy and cry out His Name. And that Name is Jesus.
It is a SAFE place to be bathed by the nail scarred Hands that have YOUR name written on them. Come as you are and let Him cleanse you of every hidden thing that holds you back from entering His marvelous Light. Come boldly. Come now.
What a great piece of art... We plan on using this canvas for our Business.... Keep Creating, We'll keep building... Love you.... J & G.....