Monday, August 23, 2010

God Speed

There is something speedy looking and violent about this picture that makes me snicker... Perhaps the violence of it makes me think of chaos in the natural; the "stuff of life" that is NOT funny when everything hits you all at once-less than courteous attitudes both at work and home, sickness, financial woes, spiritual warfare and even unanswered prayer.

 The Word says that the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. With that in mind, my God is a  God who laughs at His enemies. His LOVE for me is VIOLENT and when the violence of the enemy tries to take ME out, The Lord does a God SPEED thing and crushes the enemy under my feet shortly. It is by His power and His alone that helps me be "victoriously violent."  So when you look at this "chaotic violent picture" remember that the BATTLE belongs to the Lord, not you, and that His God Speed to deliver you is right on time.

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing and awesome and wonderful. You minister such gut wrenching truth so beautifully. Thank you.
