Friday, November 9, 2012


Outburst means to have a sudden release of strong emotion. It can also mean an outbreak of a particular activity as in "a wild outburst of applause."

Psalm 19:14 says to let the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart be acceptable in the sight of the Lord; your Rock and your Redeemer.

In the past I have had outbursts of strong emotion; negative outbursts when my flesh acted up and out. I have also had outbursts of strong emotion when my Rock and Redeemer Lord caused everything within me to give a shout of praise while applauding Him wildly.

This picture has a fiery look to it; it looks explosive. What are your outbursts like?
Do they bring the burn of hurt and woundedness to another? Do they curse? Are they filled with hot anger from careless lips of a prideful unteachable heart?

Or do your outbursts bring blessing and hope, joy and strength? Do your outbursts INSIST on believing with a stubborn faith that God is absolutely in control, has you in the palm of His hand and will PROSPER you in the midst of testing and trial?  THAT kind of explosive outburst is an inner wildfire that cannot be contained and it WILL spread.

From out of the HEART the MOUTH speaks. 

May your outbursts be because of the One who BURNS within you.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Felt impressed to name this particular painting NEW Day (emphasis on new). It reminded me of a pretty sunny spring day where the "hidden lovelies" were popping up after a harsh winter.

Some of you may feel like you have been caught in the "dead" of winter for a long long time wondering if life was EVER going to show you blossoms of promise where you have planted seeds of faith, hope and love.

The answer is YES.

Almighty God is indeed the Maker of heaven, earth, and the NEW day.
May He show you on this day the lovelies that have been hidden and may your eyes feast upon the exceedingly abundantly extravagant beauty of them because of the One Who is altogether lovely.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Ever experience those days where you feel like you don't have a crack in your armor, but maybe in your soul? Black cracks that run deep and all you can do is focus on them and groan.

I am so thankful that God understands my GROAN. I am also thankful that He knows where the cracks came from in the first place.

As I sat in His healing presence, He and I talked about these painful cracks. One of the intriguing things my Creator pointed out to me is that they bring out DEPTH.

So whether it is in a painting or in my life, these cracks CONTRIBUTE to the overall picture; the art doesn't look quite as flat and I am somehow not as shallow.

Monday, July 23, 2012

But Deliver Us From Evil

I had the Aurora families in mind when I composed this photograph tonight.

It is simply a shot of my hands with one small flashlight as the lighting source. A camera mounted on a tripod with a timed release took the shot while I held my hands under the lens. Nothing remarkable about all that, but it DID give the effect I was looking for  to comfort those who mourn:

I cannot debate the "higher ways of the Lord" when my humanness simply does not understand and I cannot accuse my Savior of being evil Himself for giving man a free will to do despicable things of ALL kinds, and I don't know what was going on in the minds of those who were experiencing the horror of this attack, but I DO know that the Lord is well able to save when His Name is called upon. I DO believe in death bed conversions and I am absolutely certain that the old saying, "there are no atheists in fox holes" rings true when murderous EVIL comes charging to steal, kill, and destroy.

For those who are sorely tempted to "curse God and die" as Job's wife bitterly told HIM to do, I pray that the God of ALL COMFORT will pour Himself upon you.

I don't know if those who lost their lives that night had their hands clasped in prayer or in the hand of another loved one or even a stranger, but I pray this picture helps you SEE the following:

The Lord is a VERY PRESENT help in time of trouble. The Lord was holding the hands of those who knew Him as Savior until the very end and some grabbed His hand for the very first time that night.
For THEM, their future looks extremely bright. THEY have been delivered from evil for all eternity.

I pray that as you look at this picture that you will see the Hand of the Deliverer gripping the hand of one crying out in the darkness and I hope that you will see that the hands also represent the MANY intercessors who are praying for you, your children, your spouse, your siblings, your friends, your loved ones; those who survived the attack and those who did not.

May the Lord DELIVER you from evil that would make your heart sick. May the Lord DELIVER you from evil that would accuse Him of being deaf, blind, and uncaring. May the Lord DELIVER you from evil that causes nightmares. May the Lord DELIVER you from evil that says God is dead and that the "dark knight of hell" is in control. May the Lord DELIVER you from evil that shouts to you to NEVER EVER FORGIVE OR FORGET. May the Lord DELIVER you from evil by overwhelming you with His loving kindness, compassion, provision and healing power He not only CAN do, but that He WILL do.

Blessed are those who mourn for they SHALL BE comforted.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

How Beautiful

On July 7 2007 I was in Nashville attending THE CALL to pray for our nation. I had my camera with me to record this time in our history and joined the MASSES on the stadium field.

There were many people of all ages, colors, and nations worshipping and praying as one. A man was lying prostrate in front of me and, like so many, had removed his shoes.

I was so taken by this moment that I almost felt guilty for having my camera out, but I felt an unction to take a picture of the man's feet because I KNEW one day I would use it somehow and that day is now; five years later...

What was your first thought in the first two seconds when you looked at the picture before you really read the words? Was it anything like, "Man, those are some nasty dirty feet" as you zeroed in on the grime, the callouses, and how wrinkly the feet looked?

THEN the words began register and two in particular leaped out at you...



Let's stop right here. Some of you really give your feet a hard time verbally-ie-"I've got the ugliest feet known to man; my toes are hideous. I can't stand my feet" blah blah blah.

Let me ask you this:
Did you see the words GOOD NEWS on the feet or were you so focused on the dirt and callouses that you had to take another look. Let that sink in (but with NO shame or condemnation) for a moment and let's point out some other things regarding the picture.

The different colored textures that you see represent the roads we sometimes have to walk when carrying the good news. Those roads can be ROUGH. Literally rough and relationally rough. Some don't want to hear good news. Others live in places where their HEARTS are open, but the ROADS are not. Rough. Strenuous. Which is harder?  "I told you NO I don't want to HEAR it" or "Oh please come" while the roads and jungles seem to be blocking your way with NO.

So off you go; you and your branded feet that say GOOD NEWS. Did you notice that the GOOD NEWS has a blood red color to it? The GOOD NEWS also has "an outer glow" via Photoshop and it "casts a shadow." That made me snicker how the Lord uses EVERYTHING, even filter names in Photoshop, to prophetically point out something He wants us to see. Like Peter, our SHADOW can fall on people and they can be HEALED.

Finally, the deliberate light blast on the man/believer's jeans are to show that in the PRESENCE OF THE LORD we are bathed in His Light and in His glory.

Feet no longer are ugly looking and stinky smelling if we're the one crying out for help FROM the pit or  the one walking TOWARD the pit with BEAUTIFUL FEET... how sweet is the smell of deliverance and how radiant from being shod with the Gospel of Peace and GOOD NEWS.

How Beautiful.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


So many scriptures come to mind when I gaze at this shot. I debated whether to put a scripture on it, but went another route.

If you look closely you will see a human in this picture. Hint-start at the bottom center, move to the left a little bit and come up. Find them?

That's why I named this particular picture "SCALE." You really see how HUGE the mountains are at this range. Your eyes tend to go back and forth to the human and then back to the mountains again. At least MINE do.

And isn't that what we do on this journey? "Dear God, look at the SIZE of that mountain! I can't climb that!" But take another look at the human; that "itty bitty human"...While I stared at them, I was reminded of the mustard seed and abruptly felt a quickening in my spirit; I remembered the verse that says, "if your FAITH is the size of a mustard seed, YOU can say to this mountain, 'MOVE from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17:20)

So what's your mountain? Debt? Sickness? Wayward kids? Wayward parents? Job loss? Drug addiction? Alcohol abuse? Marital strife? Old cycles that continue to haunt you? Fear?

The Lord may not be telling you to CLIMB that mountain...

...Maybe He wants you to SPEAK to it...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Where Is Your Focus?

This picture was photographed back in 2006 on a drive back from the Tetons in Wyoming.

So you have this big ominous Toto, runnnn Forrrrest!

Where is your focus?

Sometimes when things are so HUGE that's ALL we can see until we look at the whole picture.

Some of you might say, "Marge, life is pretty dark right now; that nasty looking cloud describes perfectly the ongoing storms in my life. It's all I can see." I would say to you that I could certainly understand that and am not here to correct you with a religious answer. Storms ARE scary. The disciples "had Jesus right in the boat with 'em" during the STORM and they said, "Do you not CARE that we are PERISHING???" as Jesus slept peacefully while in their presence...

...While Jesus was WITH them in the storm...

(by the way, He did awaken and told the shrieking wind, pounding waves and stinging rain to BE STILL AND AT PEACE.) It was easy to "be still and know that He was God THEN...but how do you be still and know He is God DURING the storm?

Where is your focus?

I am reminded that FAITH is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things NOT SEEN.
Unseen hope and evidence...

So what do I SEE in the UNSEEN while keeping in mind HOPE and EVIDENCE?

I see some intimidating dark clouds, but I also see the SUN behind the clouds.
I see rain watering the land in a soft looking shower.
I see "a clearer day" on the left.

And let's say something about that opening right smak dab in the middle of the clouds:
It is true that as the world grows darker, the Lord's coming is drawing nearer. And although I do not want to be the kind of believer that says, "I'm just hanging on til the Rapture" I am comforted by the words found in  First Thessalonians 4:16-18 while I continue to work until the sky splits and the Master returns:

"For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words."

Where is your focus?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Cleansing

Perhaps this is what it looks like in the spiritual when we are baptized; we are immersed in water and then for always and evermore we are "covered in the blood of Jesus."

A most holy blood bath from a most awesome Savior.

When I looked at the cleansing title again, I saw "THE CLEAN SING."

And with that, let me share the lyrics of the old hymn "Nothing But the Blood of Jesus" (Robert Lowry-1876)

  1. What can wash away my sin?
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
    What can make me whole again?
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
    • Refrain:
      Oh! precious is the flow
      That makes me white as snow;
      No other fount I know,
      Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
  2. For my pardon, this I see,
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
    For my cleansing this my plea,
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
  3. Nothing can for sin atone,
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
    Naught of good that I have done,
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
  4. This is all my hope and peace,
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
    This is all my righteousness,
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
  5. Now by this I’ll overcome—
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
    Now by this I’ll reach my home—
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
  6. Glory! Glory! This I sing—
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
    All my praise for this I bring—
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The WELLing Wall-version 1

I wanted to do a "flip" version of the WAILing wall. Yes, the Wailing Wall is the place in Jerusalem where the wailing of people and their prayers occur. I am most thankful that our Lord hears those wails and prayers and that every tear is kept in His special bottle.

This is called the WELLing Wall because I wanted it to cause the onlooker to perceive what was and could be WELL in their soul. Some might say, "not one dang thing." Well, if you have eyes to see this, that is a blessing and that is what I want this painting to do for you, beloved; to cause you to SEE what IS good, lovely and a good report in the places where life can be dark, bleak, and ugly.

 Let the colors and textures minister to you; let any tears that might come flow in a sacrifice of praise and a broken contrite heart which the Lord will NOT despise.

If your world HAS been bleak and void of color, it is my heartfelt prayer that this painting will "awaken" what is good and lovely in your soul and your life...may it lead you on a journey to return to this WELLing Wall often to pour out both prayers and praises and to say and sing "It IS well with my soul; it is WELL."

The WELLing Wall-version 2

This is version 2 of the WELLing Wall.

The Heavens Declare Your Glory-version #1

Here are two versions of this one.

Here's the first one. I don't have a long post to make for these, but just to say "Yes Lord, the heavens DO declare Your GLORY!" I remain in awe of Your LIGHT SHOW to me in so many ways, Blessed Creator of the Universe and Lover of my soul!

Love you, Lord. Glory to you!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mold Me and Make Me

I must admit the first title that popped in my head was "Soft and Chewy." LOL!
But then I saw and heard the following:

I saw a diamond shape. This reminds me that we ARE precious jewels to the Lord; we are priceless. It DOES look "soft" on the inside like candy would, but I am reminded that Jesus says that He will make a "heart of stone become a heart of flesh"-soft and pliable.

See the swirls on the left near the opening? Well, that reminded me of what CLAY looks like when the potter is working it on the wheel. My mindset of clay was stretched a bit here. I think of clay as pretty blah and plain in its raw form, but WHEN THE LORD IS "MESSING WITH IT" some wild things happen to the color and texture after He's done pounding it, FIRING IT and coloring it.

I used to feel like such a hypocrite when I sang the first stanza of the hymn "Have Thine Own Way Lord" (Adelaide A. Pollard 1907) but after completing this latest painting, I realize the Lord wanted to MINISTER to me through these very lyrics. Go God...thank You, Jesus. I'm yours to mold and make.

Have Thine Own Way, Lord, Have Thine Own Way
Thou Art the Potter, I am the clay
MOLD ME AND MAKE ME after Thy Will
While I am yielded, waiting and still.

Have Thine Own Way, Lord, Have Thine Own Way
Search me and try me, Master, today
Whiter than snow, Lord, wash me just now
As in Thy presence humbly I bow.

Have Thine Own Way, Lord, Have Thine Own Way
Wounded and weary, help me I pray
Power, all power, surely is Thine
Touch me and heal me, Savior divine

Have Thine Own Way, Lord, Have Thine Own Way
Hold o'er my being absolute sway
Fill with Thy Spirit till all shall see
Christ only, always, living in me

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ties-(based on hymn by John Fawcett 1782)

As I contemplated what to name this, I kept hearing the word "ties" followed by "ties that bind." Isn't there a hymn with those lyrics? There sure is. Blessed Be the Ties That Bind written by John Fawcett in 1782.
No matter what we're going through, the Lord keeps us tied to one another in sweet fellowship and support while being bound to Him. 
Read the lyrics again with new eyes:

Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love
The fellowship of kindred minds
 Is like to that above.

Before our Father's throne
We pour out our ardent prayers
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one
Our comforts and our cares.

We share each other's woes
Our mutual burdens bear
And often for each other flows
The sympathizing tear.

When we asunder part
It gives us inward pain
But we shall still be joined in heart
And hope to meet again.

This glorious hope revives
Our courage by the way
While in expectation lives
And longs to see the day.

From sorrow, toil, and pain
And sin, we shall be free
And perfect love and friendship reign
Through all eternity.